Essays and articles

1. 1 Valerio Dehò, articolo published in “Artkey” no. 4, 2008, Italian original

2.1 Massimo Guastella, presentation of the group exhibition “Confrontations on painting”, 2008, Italian original

 2.2 Massimo Guastella, English translation

3.1 Lorella Giudici, presentation of the group exhibition “The Butterfly and the ant”, 2008, Italian original

 3.2 Lorella Giudici, English translation

4.1 Cynthia Penna, presentation of the group exhibition “Signs of memory”, 2008, Italian original

 4.2 Cynthia Penna, English translation

5.1 Cynthia Penna, presentation of the exhibition “Signes…Coleurs”, Ambasade du Tourisme, Saint-Tropez, 2008, Italian original

 5.2 Cynthia Penna, English translation

6.1 Paolo Donini, presentation of the group exhibition “Love” at the Palazzo Ducale of Pavullo nel Frignano, 2008, Italian original

 6. 2 Paolo Donini, English translation

1.1 Valerio Dehò, presentation of the exhibition “Living Paintings” at Palazzo Libera, Villa Lagarina, 2007, Italian original
 1.2 Valerio Dehò, English translation
2.1 Angela Madesani, presentation of “Ordire Trame” , group show 2007, Italian original
 2.2 Angela Madesani, English translation


1.1 Emma Zanella, presentation of exhibition at Diecidue arte, 2002, Italian original version

 1.2 Emma Zanella, English translation

2.1 Anita Gertiser, review of the individual exhibition at Billing Bild, Neue Zuger Zeitung, 2002, German original version

 2.2 Anita Gertiser, English translation

 2.3 Anita Gertiser, Italian translation

3.1 Katrin Backhofen, review of the individual exhibition at Billing Bild, Handelsblatt, 2002 German original

 3.2 Katrin Backhofen, English translation

 3.3 Katrin Backhofen, Italian translation

4.1 Maria Greco, review of the individual exhibition at Billing Bild, Zugerbieter, 2002, German original

 4.2 Maria Greco, English translation

 4.3 Maria Greco, Italian translation

5. 1 Lorella Giudici, review of individual exhibition at Diecidue Arte, Titolo, 2002

6.1 Mirtha Paula Mazzocchi, presentation of paintings presented at 2003

7.1 Cristina Casero, presentation of the individual exhibition at “Il Chiostro”, 2004 Italian original

 7.2 Cristina Casero, English translation

8.1 Elena Di Raddo, presentation of the individual exhibition at “Il Chiostro”, 2004, Italian original

 8.2 Elena Di Raddo, English translation


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1.1 Valerio Dehò, presentazione di Monrad nel catalogo edito nel contesto della collettiva “Perquattro”, 2000

2.1 Emma Zanella, presentation of exhibition at Diecidue arte, 2002, Italian original version

 2.2 Emma Zanella, English translation

3.1 Anita Gertiser, review of the individual exhibition at Billing Bild, Neue Zuger Zeitung, 2002, German original version

 3.2 Anita Gertiser, English translation

 3.3 Anita Gertiser, Italian translation

4.1 Katrin Backhofen, review of the individual exhibition at Billing Bild, Handelsblatt, 2002 German original

 4.2 Katrin Backhofen, English translation

 4.3 Katrin Backhofen, Italian translation

5.1 Maria Greco, review of the individual exhibition at Billing Bild, Zugerbieter, 2002, German original

 5.2 Maria Greco, English translation

 5.3 Maria Greco, Italian translation

6. 1 Lorella Giudici, review of individual exhibition at Diecidue Arte, Titolo, 2002

7.1 Mirtha Paula Mazzocchi, presentation of paintings presented at 2003

1996 - 1999
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1.1 Marzia Mazzo, presentation of individual exhibition, spazio Kalon, 1999
2.1 Roberto Borghi, presentation of “Sette pezzi facili” group exhibition, 1998
3.1 H.S, review of exhibition at Signum in Heidelberg, Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 1997
 3.2 H.S., English translation
 3.3 H.S., Italian translation
4.1 Maurizio Sciaccaluga, review of individual exhibition at Diecidue arte, Next magazine, spring 1997, Italian original
5.1 Tommaso Trini, presentation of individual exhibition at Diecidue Arte and Galerie Signum, 1996

 5.2 Tommaso Trini, English translation

 5.3 Tommaso Trini, Italian translation

1988 - 1995

1.1 Susanne Rajka, Asker & Baerum Budstikke, review of exhibition at Galleri Tyr, 1988, Norwegian original

  1.2 Susanne Rajka, English summary

2.1 Gianni Nigro, review of group exhibition at Studio d’Ars, “Artecultura” ottobre 1988, Italian original

3.1 Orfeo Sorbellini, review of “Forme nel Verde” published in "Donchisciotte”, 1990, Italian original

4.1 Angelo Siciliano, review of “Proposta Giovani 90”, group show, 1990, Italian original

5.1 Emma Zanella Manara, presentation of “Villa Fanciullezza Abbandonata", group show, 1990, Italian original

6.1 Elda Colombo, presentation of Monrad published in the catalogue of the group exhibition “Iterart”, 1993, Italian original

 6.2 Elda Colombo, English translation

7.1 Nadia Nava, review of individual exhibition at Diecidue arte, Juliet Art Magazine, 1995, Italian original

8.1 Pierre Restany, introduction to the catalogue of the individual exhibition at Diecidue Arte, Milan 1995, Italian original

 8.2 Pierre Restany, English translation

 8.1 Pierre Restany, German translation